Soaring Red Tailed Hawk

Soaring Red Tailed Hawk
I spotted this Red Tailed Hawk while biking in Shevlin Park.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Red Tailed Hawk

The Red Tailed Hawk perched on a pine tree.
  The Red Tailed hawk is a common raptor seen through the whole year in Central Oregon. Although I see them on an almost redular basis still my attention is drawn toward them everytime I see one.

I spotted this Red Tail while I was biking to Shevlin Park. I was able to get a closer veiw by crossing the rode and walking up to the tree until I was about 30 feet away. As the hawk was perched I took a few photos and then it flew off with a loud call.

A closer image of the perched RedTailed Hawk.
The Red Tailed Hawk is a large higly variable hawk with brown upperparts, head and throat. The under parts are pale with brown streaks. Wings are pale below with a dark bar at the leading edge with dark tips. The tail is a red-brown. The Red Tailed Hawk soars on thermals and updrafts.

The Red Tailed Hawk is known as Buteo jamaicensis. This hawks range is Alska to Canada all the way south to Panama. Its wingspan can range from 46-58 inches. The breast pattern is solid and the belly pattern is striped or streaked with the back spotted or speckled.

The Red Tailed Hawk takes flight from its perch as it calls out.

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